tisdag 22 november 2011

League Of Legends

League of Legends is a strategy game , right now LoL is on Season two, also it have been released for 2 years since the beta.
The popular map Summoners Rift is often playd on, It's two teams with 5 players each team.
You will go out on one "lane" or you could choose to jungle, there you will farm (Kill minions/monsters) to get money for the items you'll need. The max level in game is 18 while your account could be level 30, earn levels to unlock new spells and mastery points. After each game if you have not left the game you will get money (Influense points) that could be spend on Runes or Champions.
With Riot points (Real money) you can buy Champions for a small amount, rune pages, skins and bundles.
Average games last up to 40~ minutes, your team will push to the other teams "Nexus" base and destroy it to win, and there is 3 lanes TOP, MID and BOTTOM lane with 3 towers each lane, beside Nexus there is 2 towers and you got your own fountain where you will spawn.

www.Leagueoflegends.com register, free to play !

There is also other websites with LIVEstreams and videos

I recommend thoose sites check it out !

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